PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Version 1.20SW
Under the Gulf Ver 1.20SW (c) September 1989 by Matt Kaufman
MK Systems Compile Date: September 1, 1989
19987 Moran Ln. Files: UTG.DOC UTG.EXE UTG.HLP UTG.HSR
Saratoga. Ca 95070 ShareWare Copy ID # 090189
{Program resident help for UNDER THE GULF.}
{COMMAND Speed_Normal-Speed}
NORMAL-SPEED will make UNDER THE GULF run in real time. This means that
one second of play is equal to one second of real time. Real time play
should only be used by experienced players who are familiar with all of the
commands. Once game play starts, the speed cannot be changed without
starting over.
{COMMAND Speed_Slow-Speed}
SLOW-SPEED will make UNDER THE GULF run slower than real time. This means
that one second of play is equal to two second of real time. Slow play
should be used by intermediate or beginning players who are not yet
completely familiar with all of the commands. Once game play starts, the
speed cannot be changed without starting over.
{COMMAND Speed_X-Slow-Speed}
X-SLOW-SPEED will make UNDER THE GULF run very slowly. One second of play
will be equal to one four seconds of real time. X-slow play should be used
by beginning players who are not familiar with the commands. Once game play
starts, the speed cannot be changed without starting over.
{COMMAND Advance}
When selected, ADVANCE, will update the enemy and all weapons systems for
the entire Turn Time. It is possible to change the Turn Time using the
OPTION_CHANGE-TURN-TIME command. ADVANCE, regardless of the Turn Time, will
be selected for you when a torpedo is within 5 seconds of your submarine.
Once ADVANCE is selected, several screens may appear in the options window
which will give general information about the game's progress.
{COMMAND Navigation}
NAVIGATION is the one of the most important commands in UNDER THE GULF.
Once selected, another menu will appear with various commands dealing with
and TRAIL-TARGET. The Options Window will also display all information
available about navigation.
{COMMAND Navigation_Evade-Target}
EVADE-TARGET will automatically set the submarine's course, and continually
update it, so that you will be on a heading directly away from a selected
target. You can specify any depth and speed at which to evade the target.
This is useful if you have suffered significant damage and wish to move out
of the weapon's range of a target.
{COMMAND Navigation_Goto-Point}
GOTO-POINT allows you to designate a point, on the 500nm x 500nm map, for
the navigation systems to head to. Depth and speed can be selected manually
using this command. If sonar has detected an enemy submarine and you wish
to head towards its reported position, you may hit 'S' instead of an X and
Y number. Once you are within one nautical mile of the desired point, your
speed will be reduced to one knot.
{COMMAND Navigation_Manual}
MANUAL lets you specify any desired course, depth or speed. If you are
pursuing, evading or trailing a target which is no longer being tracked,
the navigation systems will revert to manual.
{COMMAND Navigation_Pursue-Target}
PURSUE-TARGET will automatically set the submarine's course, and
continually update it, so that you will be on a heading directly to a
selected target. You can specify any depth and speed at which to pursue the
target. This command is useful if you wish to enter a battle with a
specific target. Once you are within one nautical mile of the target, you
will automatically slow down.
{COMMAND Navigation_Supply-Ship}
SUPPLY-SHIP will set your course to the nearest supply point. Depth and
speed can be set manually. Once you are within one nautical mile of the
point, your sub will slow down and surface automatically. Be careful when
you are surfacing to make sure that there are no hostile targets within
weapons range which could fire on you.
{COMMAND Navigation_Trail-Target}
TRAIL-TARGET allows you to specify a target and a distance to trail behind
it at. Your speed and course will automatically be adjusted to maintain the
specified distance, but your depth can be set manually.
OTHER allows you to issue commands that do not directly effect the
operation of the ship. The commands available are ABOUT, CHANGE-TURN-TIME,
will remain the same when you select the OTHER command.
{COMMAND Other_About}
ABOUT will display the version of UNDER THE GULF and other program
information in the Options Window. When using this help file, the save game
files, and the retrieve game files, they must be of the same version as
UNDER THE GULF. The information in the Options Window will remain there
until you select another command which needs this window.
{COMMAND Other_Change-Turn-Time}
CHANGE-TURN-TIME allows you to change the Turn Time. The Turn Time is the
amount of time you are allowed to enter commands and the time for which the
enemy and all weapon systems are updated when you select the ADVANCE
command or you run out of time. You cannot change the turn time to less
time than has already passed. When in-bound torpedoes are present the
maximum value for the Turn Time is 30 seconds.
{COMMAND Other_Quit}
QUIT simply lets you quit the game and exit to DOS. If you wish to save
your game, you must do so before selecting th QUIT command.
{COMMAND Other_View-High-Scores}
VIEW-HIGH-SCORES displays the top eight scores in the Options Window. Along
with the scores, you can see general information about the game during
which the score was earned. If you have a high score, it will be recorded
when the game ends.
{COMMAND Other_Retrieve-Game}
RETRIEVE-GAME allows you to retrieve one of nine games which have been
saved on disk, in the current directory. The saved games must have been
saved using the same version of UNDER THE GULF. If there is an error in the
save game file, the program may be corrupted and forced to abort.
{COMMAND Other_Save-Game}
SAVE-GAME allows you to save the game you are currently playing. You can
save up to nine different games. If there is not enough disk space, or any
other I/O error occurs, then you will be informed and the save game
operation will abort.
PAUSE stops the game temporarily. You can hit any key after you select
PAUSE to resume normal play. In every menu, except NAVIGATION, you can
select 'P', even though the command does not appear, to pause the game.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar}
RADAR/SONAR displays all information pertinent to the Radar and Sonar
systems in the options window. You will also be presented with another menu
with commands that affect Radar and Sonar operation. They are EVALUATE,
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Detected-Mines}
RADAR/SONAR_DETECTED_MINES will display a list of all known mines in the
Options Window. You can release your own mines using the WEAPONS_DEPLOY-
MINE command. Mines can only be detected by sonar and will remain
invisible until this happens. Be careful, you can run into your own mines
and if your sonar is turned all of the way down, you may run into mines
without ever seeing it.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Evaluate}
EVALUATE allows you to see all information known about any one of the
targets you are tracking. If a large amount of time has passed since you
had direct radar or sonar contact with the specified target, you may be
unable to see all of the information. Remember that when you do not have
direct contact, the values displayed are only approximations.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Flash-Radar}
FLASH-RADAR allows you to momentarily set the radar system to it's maximum
power. By doing so, you can locate targets without exposing yourself to any
long-term detection. The command on the screen will automatically change to
FLASH-SONAR when your submarine dives below fifteen feet.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Flash-Sonar}
SONAR allows you to momentarily set the sonar system to it's maximum power.
By doing so, you can locate targets without exposing yourself to any long-
term detection. The command on the screen will automatically change to
FLASH-RADAR when your submarine ascends to less than fifteen feet.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Overall-Status}
OVERALL-STATUS will display the all information about the radar and sonar
systems in the Options Window. This command should be used if you are
currently evaluating a target and wish to see the general information about
the radar and sonar systems instead of the evaluate information.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Radar}
RADAR lets you select the power at which you wish the radar system to
operate at. If the submarine is damaged you may not be able to set the
power to 100%. To see the effect that your change made, look at your
submarine's radar range which is be displayed in the Options Window. If you
choose to set the radar to it's maximum, the computer will automatically
increase or decrease power to match the systems capacity.
{COMMAND Radar/Sonar_Sonar}
SONAR lets you select the power at which you wish the radar system to
operate at. If the submarine is damaged you may not be able to set the
power to 100%. To see the effect that your change made, look at your
submarine's sonar range which is be displayed in the Options Window. If you
choose to set the radar to it's maximum, the computer will automatically
increase or decrease power to match the systems capacity.
SUB lets you view both statistical and damage information about your
submarine. Once selected another menu will appear. By selecting
DAMAGE/SUPPLY-REPORT, you will be presented with a window which summarizes
all information available about damages and supplies on the submarine.
Selecting STATISTICS-REPORT will display information about the progress of
the game relative to both you and the enemy.
{COMMAND Sub_Damage/Supply-Report}
DAMAGE/SUPPLY-REPORT will display all information available concerning
damage and supplies. Any damage to a system on the submarine will
automatically be fixed over time, unless the capacity of that system has
fallen below 30%. All damage can be fixed and supplies replenished by
intercepting the supply point at the surface.
{COMMAND Sub_Statistics-Report}
SUB_STATISTICS-REPORT gives a general summary of the progress of the game.
The figures given bear no importance to the game's play; however, they may
prove to be interesting at the end of a long mission.
{COMMAND Targets}
TARGETS displays a list of all targets being tracked in the Options Window.
Remember that when a target has not been in direct radar or sonar contact
for a long period of time, the values displayed are only approximations.
{COMMAND Weapons}
WEAPONS allows you to fire at your enemy and operate defensive systems to
confuse in-bound torpedoes. The Options Window will display all important
information that you will need to make decisions concerning the weapon's
system. Commands specific to the weapons system will also appear in the
{COMMAND Weapons_Deploy-Mine}
DEPLOY-MINE will automatically release an anti-ship surface min behind your
submarine. Because of your close proximity to it, it will not become
activated for several minutes, but after that it can cause both you and the
enemy severe damage. Mines can be picked up on sonar, and until done so
are invisible to you. All known mines can be displayed using the
{COMMAND Weapons_Long-Range-Launch}
LONG-RANGE-LAUNCH allows you fire a long range torpedo at any target within
range. Long range torpedoes are rocket propelled and give off a great deal
of noise when launched so they will reveal your position to the enemy.
These torpedoes have relatively low destructive power. Like other systems,
the capacity of the long range torpedo system must be at least 80% to
operate properly.
{COMMAND Weapons_Release-Noise-Maker}
RELEASE-NOISE-MAKER allows you to release a noise maker from the submarine.
Noise makers will detour inbound torpedoes by reproducing noise similar to
the sub's. The farther you travel away from the noise maker, the better
chance it has of detouring an in-bound torpedo. This command releases one,
which will last for about ten minutes. Like other systems, the capacity of
the noise maker system must be at least 80% to operate properly.
{COMMAND Weapons_Short-Range-Launch}
SHORT-RANGE-LAUNCH allows you fire a short range torpedo at any target
within range. These torpedoes are very quiet and will not reveal your
position to the enemy. They also have a huge explosive power compared to
long rage torpedoes, but of course their range is limited. Like other
systems, the capacity of the short range torpedo system must be at least
80% to operate properly.
{COMMAND Weapons_Target-Select}
TARGET-SELECT allows you to get offensive weapons information about a
specific target. Once selected, information about the range and accuracy of
your weapons will be displayed in the options window. General information
about the specified target will also be displayed. Remember that when a
target has not been in direct radar or sonar contact for a long period of
time, the values displayed are only approximations.
MAP will display a small map of the playing area in the Options Window.
This command is only used when the game is being played on non EGA or non
VGA systems. On EGA and VGA systems, you will be able to customize the map
which is already displayed in the Map Window.
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale}
This will allow you to select the dimensions of the Tactical Display.
Smaller scales are helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales
are helpful for navigation.
{COMMAND Map_Redraw-Map}
This command will redraw the map in the map window. This is useful because,
although information may change, the map will only be updated automatically
once every 15 seconds.
{COMMAND Map_Target-Info-Toggle}
Circles which indicate your radar / sonar range and you weapons range will
constantly appear in the map window. However, the ranges of the enemy will
only appear if this command is used to turn them on. The reason why this
information is not always displayed is that it can cause a larger scaled
map to be very cluttered.
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_A)-52_x_27}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 52 nautical miles by 27 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_B)-70_x_37}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 70 nautical miles by 37 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_C-103_x_55}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 103 nautical miles by 55 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_D)-137_x_73}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 137 nautical miles by 73 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_E)-206_x_110}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 206 nautical miles by 110 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for
{COMMAND Map_Set-Map-Scale_F)-412_x_219}
By selecting this command, the Tactical Display will be set to cover a
range of 412 nautical miles by 219 nautical miles. Smaller scales are
helpful during a battle situation and the larger scales are helpful for